Top 10 Best & Worst Films of 2019

by Kevin Muller

The Top 10 Worst Films of 2019

10. The Kitchen  

The tenth spot on this list is reserved for, not necessarily a bad film, but for one that given the talent involved, should’ve worked.  Based upon the Graphic Novel, “The Kitchen” tells the story of three women who are romantically involved with men connected to the Irish Mob. When the men are all thrown in jail, the three must band together to continue the men’s work, to avoid financial debt to themselves, and the community that depends on the mob. The leads are played by Elisabeth Moss, Tiffany Haddish, and Melissa McCarthy, in what seemed to be the perfect trio to pull this off.   Unfortunately, a story that should’ve been about female empowerment, was just so lifeless on its execution. The film also failed to carry a consistent tone. It tried to be funny, with awkward results, it tried to be a crime drama, but failed to give the controversial story any type of spark. It was the definition of a missed opportunity.

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