June 4K Digital Code #PhellasGiveAway Winner!

We’re back to announce our June #PhellasGiveAway winner. We’ll be back in July to announce our next giveaway!

#Dune #DunePartTwo #AmericanSniper #Giveaway #Contest #free

2 thoughts on “June 4K Digital Code #PhellasGiveAway Winner!

  1. Hello guys, It’s me Ryan…..aka Alicebowie9 (on YouTube) aka RD @ Spicoli82MrHand (on Twitter) Thank you for the awesome contest for Dune 2 4k digital and American Sniper 4k digital – I guess now the hard part is proving I am Alivebowie9 on you tube…..I have made multiple comments to your June winner video and only 2 seemed to stay without disappearing- I will try and reach out to YouTube tech support, but I am able to leave messages on all other peoples videos….weird.  But if you reply back and ask me to create a video and post it with my Alicebowie9 account I can definitely do that….or if you could follow me back on twitter (RD @ spicoli82mrhand) I left that on my comment on your YouTube video using my Alicebowie9 acct.   Also, my name is Ryan- AliceBowie was the name of Cheech & Chong’s band from Up in Smoke  **Fun Fact – Soundgarden did an awesome cover of Alivebowies “Earache My Eye” **.  And my Twitter handle (yes I still call it Twitter) is RD @ spicoli82mrhand which are references to Jeff Spicoli (played by Sean Penn) and Mr Hand (played by the late Ray Walston) from the movie ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’ and my email address here is also a reference to Fast Times…. Well – I hope this makes sense and gets to you guys – thanks again Ryan

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


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